Spells out the word change

As most of you know I’ve been diving deep into the world of mums and career change, through the book that I’m writing and have stumbled across a truly intriguing group – the accidental career changers!

Picture this: women who didn’t set out with a grand plan to switch careers but found themselves doing just that, almost by accident. As someone who was unhappy at work for years but had no idea what to instead, I was a little bit in awe (dare I say jealous) of these women who seemed to change career with so much ease that they didn’t realise they had done it in some cases!

As I chatted with them, I realised there’s a lot we can learn from these accidental adventurers.

Roll with the Punches

One of the biggest lessons from these accidental career changers is to roll with the punches. Life throws curveballs, right? Whether it’s a sudden layoff or a chance encounter that sparks something new, these women didn’t shy away from change. Instead, they embraced it, recognising that sometimes the best opportunities come when we least expect them.

Trust Your Gut

Ever had a gut feeling nudging you in a certain direction? Well, these ladies sure did. What I found fascinating is how they trusted their instincts, even when the path ahead seemed uncertain. They listened to that little voice inside, took a leap of faith, and ended up discovering talents they didn’t know they had.

Stay Flexible, My Friend

Flexibility is key – that’s the mantra echoed by these accidental career changers. They weren’t married to a specific career trajectory but were open to exploring new avenues. Whether it meant trying out different roles or industries, they remained flexible and adaptable, which opened doors to unexpected opportunities.

Keep Growing

These women were lifelong learners. They were constantly picking up new skills and these skills opened new worlds to them, or new ways of thinking. And you know what? That thirst for growth propelled them forward in their careers. It also made them stand out to employers who would approach them with opportunities.

Grow your network

I know a lot of us don’t like that term, but the accidental career changers usually had wide networks across different industries and professions. Opportunities came to them because of this. Employers would reach out to them knowing their potential and their transferable skills, regardless of whether they had worked in a certain industry before.

So, there you have it – the fascinating world of accidental career changers. Their stories remind us that sometimes the most remarkable journeys begin with a simple twist of fate. This doesn’t mean we should leave our career changes to chance, but I do think we sometimes have to trust in the process and not force things too much. Be open to trying new things and meeting new people, because you never know where it might take you.

Denny x

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